
Amos Trust

Human rights organisation with the aim of making people aware of the root causes of injustice.


Anti-Slavery promotes the eradication of slavery and slavery-like practices, and freedom for everyone who is subjected to them. The abuses which Anti-Slavery opposes include: slavery and the buying and selling of people as objects; trafficking of women and the predicament of migrant workers who are trapped into servitude; debt bondage and other traditions which force people into low status work; forced labour; forced prostitution; child labour

Amnesty International

Amnesty International working for human rights, justice and peace.


Baha'i Agency for Social and Economic Development


Promoter of fair trading for growers of coffee.  Importer of coffee so produced


Catholic Aid Agency.

CARE International

CARE International helps poor people and those caught in crises to take charge of their lives and futures. Currently operational in 64 countries we combat disaster and poverty through practical, carefully planned relief and long term programmes. Our hallmarks are professionalism, partnership, clarity of purpose, quality and value


Churches Commission for Racial Justice


Christian Resources Exhibition

Christian Aid Christian Aid is a Christian organisation that insists the world can and must be swiftly changed to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. We provide urgent, practical and effective assistance where need is great, tackling the effects of poverty as well as its root causes.

Christian Ecology Link

A link for Christians interested in ecology.


Christian Solidarity Worldwide - Organisation offering support to persecuted Christian minorities worldwide


UK Government  Department for International Development


Dalit Solidarity Network UK campaigns against the atrocities, humiliation and poverty that over 300 million Dalits or "untouchables" suffer due to a caste system which is more than 3000 years old.


European Community Humanitarian Office: the European Union is at present the world’s biggest donor of humanitarian aid and the principal donor to the United Nations organisations responsible for humanitarian aid and development aid


Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel.  The mission of EAPPI is to accompany Palestinians in their nonviolent actions and concerted advocacy efforts to end the occupation.  EAPPI is responding to a call made to the World Council of Churches by the heads of the Churches in Jerusalem


The Fairtrade Foundation exists to help Third World producers of tea, coffee, cocoa, bananas and honey receive a fair share of their trade.  Whenever you see the Fairtrade Mark on a UK product, it's your guarantee that the people who produced it have received a fair price and a fair deal


Foundations21 is a Free Online resource for discipleship and lifelong Christian learning it explores twelve key building blocks of the Christian faith. Including prayer, the cross and mission – with a flexible blend of web-based study, group interaction and personal application.

The Gap Year Company

A UK based company offering resources for students wanting to spend a "gap year" or time out from study.


International Environment Campaign Group.

Habitat for humanity

Spend your next holiday helping change someone’s life – no experience necessary. Global Village is a unique opportunity to travel abroad, helping families in need build simple, decent homes.

Human Rights Watch

Provides an international law perspective on human rights issues.


International Federation for Alternative Trade, a global network of 143 Fair Trade organisations in 47 countries, which works to improve the livelihoods and well-being of disadvantaged people in developing countries and to change the unfair structures of international trade.


International Voluntary Service. IVS GB is a peace organisation working for the sustainable development of local and global communities throughout the world. We are the British branch of Service Civil  world wide network of like-minded voluntary organisations promoting peace and justice through voluntary work.International

Jubilee Debt Campaign

Jubilee Debt Campaign is demanding an end to the scandal of poor countries paying money to the rich world. We are calling for 100% cancellation of unpayable and unfair poor country debts.

Leicester Council of Faiths

Working for trust and understanding between faith communities; initiating and supporting multi-faith programmes across Leicester

Minority Rights Group

MRG has four main activities: researching and publishing reports and other information about minorities around the world; advocating (or lobbying for) the rights of minorities at the United Nations (UN), in Europe, with governments and elsewhere; educating children and teachers on minority issues in order to
counter racism and prejudice; working with organisations and activists who share our aims to build alliances, discuss ideas, develop skills and further minority rights worldwide

The Modern Churchpeople's Union

Meeting point for Christians of all denominations concerned with the interface of Christian theology, culture, and ethics with contemporary knowledge. Liberal in outlook. Founded in 1898 in the UK


NetAid is a long-term  effort to build a community of conscience dedicated to providing basic needs: food, shelter, legal protection, human rights and health care. NetAid artists and sponsors are committed to focusing  public and political attention on the needs of the world's poorest citizens  and to building an on-line community that is dedicated to change.

New Economics Foundation

The New Economics Foundation is a radical think tank. It is unique in bringing  together the ideas, people, resources and influence to challenge business-as-usual. They create practical and enterprising solutions to the social, environmental and economic challenges facing the local, regional,
national and global economies

One World

Umbrella organisation whose  internet site has links to many sites concerned with international development, justice and peace.

Organisation for Religious Tolerance

A Canadian group maintains this excellent web site.  They aim to present both sides of  many religious disputes in order to promote tolerance.


Relief organisation founded in the UK, but with centres in many countries.


Progressive Christianity Network  (UK).  A movement in the USA, UK and other countries to establish a network of churches and individuals committed to open discussion of doctrine and practice

Population Concern

Population Concern works for the improvement of the quality of life world-wide by advancing the right of all people to exercise free and informed reproductive
health choice and to have access to confidential sexual and reproductive health services including family planning; particularly we promote the right of
women and young people to have effective access to those services and the right of women of all ages to an education which enhances their economic and
social standing

St. Philip's Multifaith Centre

St Philip’s Centre is rooted in the multi faith context of Leicester and is a national ecumenical training centre

Save The Children

Save the Children is the UK's leading international children's charity, working to create a better future for children.We are active in the UK, as well as more than 65 countries worldwide. We involve children in what we do - we believe in listening and learning from them.' active in the UK, as well as more than 65 countries worldwide. We involve children in what we do - we believe in listening and learning from them

Student Partnership Worldwide

Students Partnership Worldwide (SPW) is a charity which runs school-based and environmental grass-roots development programmes in Africa and Asia for young volunteers 


Promoter of fair trade. Importer and retailer of many fairly traded products

Tearfund Tearfund is a Christian international aid and development agency working globally to end poverty and injustice, and to restore dignity and hope in some of the world’s poorest communities. 

UK Refugee Council

Umbrella organisation for groups dealing with refugees in UK. Tel 0207 820 3085.

UN High Commission for Refugees

United Nations Commission for Refugees.


Voluntary Services Overseas. Promoting volunteering to fight global poverty and disadvantage VSO  is an international development charity that works through volunteers

World Service Enquiry

Information and advice about working overseas in the developing world. Tel: 0870 770 3274

Wider Horizons

Pilgrim journeys of encounter

War On Want Campaign against World Poverty
Working for justice & peace
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