Working for justice & peace
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January 2025
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Company Number 2417029     Charity Number 328322
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"It's the Journey~ Youtube talks "Peace in the Pacific"
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Street, Leicester  LE2 7DH
Telephone: 0116 254 0770


Summer School Pictures Talks archive 2025 Conf Programme Jan action card 2024 Xmas Cards
Annual Conference in Leeds - January 10 - 12,
We will soon begin our Advent journey towards Christmas and
will hopefully have time to reflect on the many challenges facing
our world.
At our annual conference we will face some of the challenges
and seek a way forward.
The title of the conference is
'In a Fractured World - work for reconciliation towards
justice and peace.'
For any reconciliation to be possible between peoples who are divided,
it is vital to communicate and to share history and culture.  It is necessary
to recognise the human dignity of the 'other.' It is necessary to listen and
Our conference will open with a talk by Anthony Reddie, Professor of
black theology at Oxford University.  He will talk about the
reconciliation of race and culture in our country and world.
Jenny Wright, chaplain to the Archbishop of York, will look towards a new future for our world.  she will
explore what may be possible, partly by looking at some good things that have already been achieved, including
reconciliation work in South Africa.
Adam Boulter will offer an opportunity for us to deepen our commitment to our on-going justice and peace
work by showing and reflecting on some of his biblical paintings.
There will also be an exhibition of Adam's work throughout the conference.
Jon Swales, leader at Leeds Lighthouse, will speak about climate change and the dangers we all face if
nothing is done to halt it.  All our efforts towards reconciliation will be short lived unless climate change is tackled
by every country and person.  Jon was a speaker at our summer school so some of us have met him and know
that his talk will not be eay to listen to.
We have excellent semiar group leaders including Subash Chellaiah, Jonathon & Monica Doering, Linda
Ramsden,Peter Rookes, Ellen Teague and Adam Boulter.
The conference, at Hinsley Hall in Leeds, will offer an opportunity for us to listen, learn and share in discussion
and worship. There will be a market place, including our books and cards.
The programme is here on the website and the application forms will be sent from the office.  Do join us in
For reconciliation to happen in our country and world it is vital for us all to be actively involved and fully
We held a webinar by an Anglican priest who is also a first Nations person in australia. She shared what another
First Nations member had said - 
“The keys of a piano are black and white. You can play a melody on the black keys and you can
play a melody of sorts on the white keys, but to get the most beautiful melody you need both.”

Our 5th December webinar will be given by Jeremy Purseglove. Jeremy is a well-known
environmentalist and writer. his title is 'Working with Nature.'
Join us at 7. 00 pm. Access codes are available from the office.

Dec action card