Working for justice & peace
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Peace is born of Love,
Love is born of Understanding,
Understanding is born of Listening
Listening leads to Justice and Peace

Christians Aware is a network of individuals and groups including Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists, Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Society of Friends and United Reformed Church Members who link in with local churches and communities in Africa, Mauritius, the Middle East, India, Sri Lanka, Japan, the Philippines, South America, and the Caribbean.  Some members belong to other faiths or none but all are dedicated to working for Justice and Peace.

Christians Aware is an educational and religious charity and a member of "Churches Together in Britain and Ireland" and "Churches Together in England".  It is a company limited by guarantee.  There is a Council of Management whose members are directors of the company.  Christians Aware has a President and Patrons.

How we work

Christians Aware offers varied opportunities for listening encounter, learning and reflection, so that understanding and trust may grow between people who may then work together to overcome injustices.  Some of our opportunities are planned with other organisations, such as Practical Action', Westminster Education Service, and Christian Aid.

Opportunities Include

(Please see the Calendar for a list of current opportunities)
Including the Annual Conference.  Some recent themes - "Tolerance of Conflict in World Affairs", "Women, Men and God",  "The Cost of Discipleship", "World Poverty - Struggle and Hope".

Summer Schools

Week long and residential.  Programmes include workshops, talks, worship, outings, drama.


Walks, talks, meditation, worship.

International Visits and Exchanges

Mainly with the developing worlds.  Visits include workcamps, community projects and staying with families.

International Visitors and Gatherings in the UK

Camps, family hospitality, conferences.

Listening Days and Cultural Events

Food, talks and music.

Special Focus Groups

e.g. India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Middle East, Japan, Africa, AIDS, Women for InterFaith Understanding.

Inter Faith Education

The Faith Awareness Programme runs courses, conferences, outings and listening opportunities.

The Refugee Programme

Listening to refugees and enabling support.

Resource Material

The quarterly magazine, inspirational and informative leaflets, posters, action cards, study and prayer leaflets and packs, international and multicultural cards.


Please visit the Christians Aware Shop for a list of our publications and items for sale.

We are financed by membership subscriptions, donations, legacies, & sales of books and cards.

As members of Christians Aware we find that our lives are greatly enriched by the people we meet, the sense of acceptance we find (we are a very mixed and motley bunch) , and the joy and depth of all our worship celebrations.